Skip Period Regimens
Skip a period, or skipping your period on Yasmin, tricyclics, and NuvaRing are among the most common terms used by the people who find my site via search engines. So, to help these visitors, as well as my regular readers, I've decided to do a post on the regimens used to skip a menstrual period. This way, you'll have all the information in one place.
Before we start, note:
I. What follows is just an outline of the "skipping your period" (extended) regimens.
II. If you use the Pill, it's best to use a monophasic brand.
TIP: To find out if the brand you're using is monophasic, look at the pack. For a 28-day pack, if 21 pills are the same color and contain the same amount of estrogen and progestin, and 7 pills are a different color and are inactive (placebo), it's a monophasic brand.
Note: The 28-day pack, shortened placebo interval (24/4), brands Loestrin 24 Fe and YAZ are monophasics. As are the 84-day pack brand Lybrel and the 91-day pack brand Seasonale. The other 91-day pack brand, Seasonique, is a biphasic.
III. Your menstrual period and withdrawal bleeding are not one and the same thing.
When you use a combination birth control method, like the Pill, you are not skipping a menstrual period. That's because, for as long as you use such a method, you don't have a menstrual period. What you are doing is shifting the frequency of the withdrawal bleeding episode from once a month to once every few months.
The monthly menstrual period and the monthly withdrawal bleed are distinct, unrelated events.
The monthly period is the body-directed shedding of a thickened uterine lining, under the influence of fluctuating endogenous hormone levels, at set intervals (~21 days). The monthly withdrawal bleed is the user-directed artificial destabilization of a thin uterine lining, as a result of deliberately manipulating the dosage of exogenous hormones in the Pill, at arbitrarily set intervals (21 days, 49 days, 84 days, 168 days, or 336 days).
A monthly menstrual period has a [single] biological purpose: to prepare the uterine lining for pregnancy. A monthly withdrawal bleed has no physiological or biological purpose. It's a designer trick, intended mostly to appease politicians and Popes. It's a historical artifact, not a biological requirement.
IV. The most common side effect with an extended regimen is breakthrough bleeding/spotting (BTB).
V. If you plan to skip your period for a special event, it's best to plan ahead.
Extended regimens work best (less/no BTB) if you plan ahead and give your body at least three months to get used to the new regimen. This applies to both these scenarios: a) you're already using one of the methods on a regular regimen and plan to switch to an extended regimen, or b) you're not using any method and plan to start using an extended regimen.
Of course, it's not always possible to plan ahead. So, if you need to skip your period sooner rather than later, ask your doctor about the high dose, progestin-only regimen (e.g., 5 mg norethindrone acetate, 1-3 times daily). This regimen can be started anywhere from 3 weeks (preferably), to 1 week before the event.
VI. Extended regimens offer the same pregnancy protection as regular regimens.
VII. The .pdf links used in the post are to a method's prescribing information.
VIII. Most of the regimens are based on clinical experience.
IX. Finally, your doctor gives you medical advice, your blogger gives you educational information.
Here are the methods and the regimens.

Yasmin (.pdf) is a combination, monophasic--estrogen (0.03 mg ethinyl estradiol) + progestin (3 mg drospirenone)--birth control pill. All active pills (21 yellow pills) contain the same amount of hormones. The placebo pills, or "sugar" pills (7 white pills) are inert.
Regular regimen: To bleed once a month
Take one active pill [yellow pill for Yasmin] per day for 21 days, followed by one placebo pill [white pill for Yasmin] for 7 days (bleeding). After the last placebo pill start a new pack.
Extended regimen: To bleed once every three months
Take one active pill [yellow pill for Yasmin] per day for 84 days, followed by one placebo pill [white pill for Yasim] for 7 days (bleeding). After the last placebo pill start another 84-day, active pill, cycle. [You'll need four pill packs per cycle for this regimen.]
TIP: To vary the bleeding interval, vary the number of packs you use. For example, to bleed every month and a half you'll need two pill packs. Take one active pill per day for 42 days, followed by one placebo pill per day for 7 days (bleeding). Or, you can start with three pill packs, and take one active pill per day for 63 days, followed by one placebo pill for 7 days (bleeding).

Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo (.pdf) is a combination, triphasic--estrogen (0.025 mg ethinyl estradiol) + progestin (0.180 mg/0.215 mg/0.250 mg norgestimate)--birth control pill. All 21 active pills (7 white, 7 light blue, and 7 blue) contain the same amount of estrogen. The amount of progestin varies: the 7 white pills have 0.180 mg; the 7 light blue pills have 0.215mg; and the 7 blue pills have 0.250 mg. The placebo pills, or "sugar" pills (7 green pills) are inert.
Regular regimen: To bleed once a month
Take one active pill [7 white + 7 light blue + 7 blue pills for Orto Tri-Cyclen] per day for 21 days, followed by one placebo pill [green pill for Ortho Tri-Cyclen] for 7 days (bleeding). After the last placebo pill start a new pack.
Extended regimen:
To skip one "period" (or delay the bleeding by one week)
A) Take one active pill [7 white + 7 light blue + 7 blue pills for Orto Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen] per day for 21 days. When you get to the 7 placebo pills [green pill for Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen] throw them out and instead take the third week of active pills from a new pack [7 blue pills for Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen].
Once you're done, either start a new pack right away (skip bleeding) or wait one week and then start a new pack (delays bleeding by one week).
[Pack #1] 7 white pills + 7 light blue pills + 7 blue pills + [Pack #2] 7 blue pills.
Start a new pack right away/Wait one week, then start a new pack.
B) Take one active pill [7 white + 7 light blue + 7 blue pills for Orto Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen] per day for 21 days, followed by one placebo pill [green pill for Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen] for 7 days (bleeding). After the last placebo pill wait for one week*; don't take any pills. Then start a new pack and take the 21 active pills, followed by the 7 placebo pills. [This regimen shifts the bleeding episode by one week during the second month.]
*VERY IMPORTANT: You are not protected against pregnancy during the week you delay taking the next pack. You must use an alternate birth control method (condom, diaphragm, sponge, etc.).
7 white pills + 7 light blue pills + 7 blue pills + 7 green pills.
Wait one week (no pills). [No Pregnancy Protection!]
Start a new pack.
To bleed once every three months
1. Take one active pill [7 white + 7 light blue + 7 blue pills for Orto Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen] per day for 21 days. When you get to the 7 placebo pills [green pill for Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen] throw them out and instead start a new pack. Repeat the regimen with the new pack; use 4 packs total. Stop for one week [either don't take any pills, or take the 7 green pills] (bleeding) then restart.
7 white pills + 7 light blue pills + 7 blue pills.
Start a new pack (take active pills only). Repeat [4 packs total].
Wait one week, then start a new pack.
TIP: To vary the bleeding interval, vary the number of packs you use.
Note: This is the regimen most likely to trigger BTB.
2. Take one active pill [7 white + 7 light blue + 7 blue pills for Orto Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen] per day for 21 days. When you get to the 7 placebo pills [green pill for Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen] throw them out. Start a new pack backwards, after first discarding the 7 placebo pills from this new pack [7 blue + 7 light blue + 7 white pills for Orto Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen]. Repeat the regimen with the next two packs; use 4 packs total. Stop for one week [either don't take any pills, or take the 7 green pills] (bleeding) then restart.
[Pack #1] 7 white pills + 7 light blue pills + 7 blue pills + [Pack #2] 7 blue pills + 7 light blue pills + 7 white pills + [Pack #3] 7 white pills + 7 light blue pills + 7 blue pills + [Pack #4] 7 blue pills + 7 light blue pills + 7 white pills.
Start a new pack backwards (take active pills only). Repeat [4 packs total].
Wait one week, then start a new pack.
3. Start with three new packs (or two). Take the first 7 active pills [white pills for Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen] from each of the three packs, for a total of 21 pills. Then take the next 7 active pills [light blue for Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen] from each of the three packs, or 21 pills total. Finally, take the last set of 7 active pills [blue pills for Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo/Ortho Tri-Cyclen] from the three packs, or 21 pills total. Stop for one week [either don't take any pills, or take the 7 green pills] (bleeding) then restart.
[Pack #1] 7 white pills + [Pack #2] 7 white pills + [Pack #3] 7 white pills + [Pack #1] 7 light blue pills + [Pack #2] 7 light blue pills + [Pack #3] 7 light blue pills + [Pack #1] 7 blue pills + [Pack #2] 7 blue pills + [Pack #3] 7 blue pills.
Stop for one week, then restart.

Ortho Evra (.pdf) is a combination--estrogen (0.75 mg ethinyl estradiol) + progestin (6.00 mg norelgestromin)--birth control skin patch. It releases 0.020 mg of estrogen and 0.150 mg of progestin per day.
Regular regimen: To bleed once a month
Apply one patch and leave it on for 1 week. At the end of the week, remove the patch, discard it and replace it with a new patch. Do this for 3 weeks in a row. At the end of the third week, remove and discard the last patch and wait for one week; that's the patch-free week (bleeding). Once the week is over, restart the regular [3 weeks:3 patches on/1 week off] patch regimen.
Extended regimen: To bleed every few months
Apply one patch and leave it on for 1 week. At the end of the week, remove the patch, discard it and replace it with a new patch. Do this for 8 weeks (or 12 weeks) in a row. At the end of the eighth week (or twelfth week), remove and discard the last patch and wait for one week; that's the patch-free week (bleeding). Once the week is over, restart the the extended-use [8 weeks:8 patches (or 12 weeks:12 patches) on/1 week off] patch regimen.
Note: Use of the regular patch regimen [3 weeks:3 patches on/1 week off] entails a 60% higher exposure to estrogen than use of a typical combination Pill brand containing 35 μg of estrogen on a regular regimen [21 days on/7 days off]. Although the clinical relevance of this finding is unknown, you should be aware of it before starting an extended patch regimen.

NuvaRing (.pdf) is a combination--estrogen (2.7 mg ethinyl estradiol) + progestin (11.7 mg etonogestrel)--birth control vaginal ring. It releases 0.015 mg of estrogen and 0.120 mg of progestin per day.
Regular regimen: To bleed once a month
Insert one ring and leave it in place for 3 weeks in a row. At the end of the third week, remove the ring, discard it and wait for one week; that's the ring-free week (bleeding). Once the week is over, restart the regular [3 weeks on/1 week off] ring regimen.
Extended regimen: To bleed every few months
Insert one ring and leave it in place for 3 weeks in a row. At the end of the third week, remove the ring, discard it and replace it with a new ring right away. Keep the new ring in for 3 weeks in a row. [That's 6 weeks total.] At the end of the third week, remove the ring, discard it and either:
a) wait for one week; that's the ring-free week (bleeding). Once the week is over, restart the extended-use [6 weeks on/1 week off] ring regimen.
b) replace it with a new ring right away. Leave the new ring in place for 3 weeks in a row. At the end of the third week, remove the ring, discard it and replace it with a new ring right away. Keep the new ring in for 3 weeks in a row. [That's 12 weeks total.] At the end of the third week, remove the ring, discard it and wait for one week; that's the ring-free week (bleeding). Once the week is over, restart the extended-use [12 weeks on/1 week off] ring regimen.
TIP: You can also insert one ring and leave it in for 4 weeks in a row, instead of 3 weeks.
[At the end of the fourth week, remove the ring, discard it and replace it with a new ring right away. The rest of the extended regimen is the same as above, except you leave the ring in for 4 weeks, instead of 3 weeks, in a row.]
Note: Use of the regular ring regimen [3 weeks on/1 week off] entails a 50% lower exposure to estrogen than use of a typical combined Pill brand containing 30 μg of estrogen on a regular regimen [21 days on/7 days off]. Although the clinical relevance of this finding is unknown, you should be aware of it before starting an extended ring regimen.
UPDATE: Right after I finished posting I noticed someone found this by using the search term "secrets to delaying menstrual period". Heh, there are no secrets. Just information.
ETA: I've updated the post.
Labels: Birth Control, NuvaRing, Ortho Evra, Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, Pill, Skip Period, Triphasic, Yasmin, Yasmine
When I try to do this on Yasmin, I only make it through the 4th week of active pills, and then I get my period anyway. Does anyone else have this problem? It's very frustrating and I'm wondering if there's a different formula that works better and is more reliable for this system??
I have the same problem when trying to skip on Yasmin, I get my period within the 1st week of the new pack. Help! Should I go to a higher dose pill?
I'm getting married on July 9th and don't want to get my period until the weekd of the 18th that month. I'm on the nuva ring and should put a new in tonight, which has me getting my july period around the 14th or 15th. Is there anything I can do about this?
Has anyone tried the skipped period method using ortho tri cyclen? does it work?
Has anyone had breakthrough bleeding while on the ring?
does anyone know if Yasmin is a light pill?im currently on Microlight and was changed to Dianette because i have a few spots.but ive read recently that Dianette is very strong and can be 21 and scared to go on such a strong pill.has anyone ever been any of these pills?
Any suggestions or advice?? I accidentally forgot to take two pills in a row, and I had to double up. That Sunday I got my period a week early (ugh). After my period, I started a new pack instead of taking the white pills and getting my period for another week. Everything was fine the first week of the new pack, but now I am on my second week and have spotting which has lasted for a week... I am figuring this to be normal, but honestly might just switch to somehting else.. I don't know what to do...
I have tried to skip b4 using yasmine and failed... Tried again & succeeded i'm almost ready to start a new packet so i can keep skipping. Has anyone noticed that you still feel alittle crampy and that your breasts are tender & swollen? HELP..
I've been doing the Yasmin skipping for 2-3 pack intervals (42 days or 63 days) and I've rotated between the two for the past year. I am now beginning to go 84 days b/t periods. My only complaint is slight cramping and tender breasts for a few days during the time in which I should be getting my period. As for the bleeding, stick with the cycle of continuous pills and your body will get used to it. It happened to me the first time, but never again.
Thanks so much for this! I just switched from birth control pills to the Nuva Ring, and wasn't able to find this information anywhere else. I love your blog, ya'll are awesome. Thanks again!
I tried skipping my period on Ortho Tricyclin Low by skipping the placebo and going directly to the next pack. I've been bleeding for three weeks and my breasts are sore with light cramping. My regular period lasts three days max. I think I'll just stick to the three day rather than the 19 I've had so far.
Can I insert the NuvaRing when I'm not on my period?
I'm yet another reader who found your site as a top Google hit with the search terms "skip your period." Thanks for the info. I'm on a triphasic and would have started the second pack at the highest dose. Will give your suggestion a try.
i tried to skip with ortho tri cyclen, and i've been heavily spotting since then (almost two weeks) and i think it's getting worse. should i tough it out until i get to the green placebo pills and get my fake period before starting a new pack, or should i stop now, get the fake period and then start a new pack on sunday? if anyone could help me that would be wonderful, this is really freaking me out.
i tried skipping ortho tricyclin low and did not get it the week i wanted to skip i didn't do it as the site said i didn't know, but i did the white instead of the green but after that week i've been bleeding since.
I have been testing out an extended cycle for about six months now and I still seem to bleed every month. I keep continuing my regimen hoping I can 'teach' my body when to bleed, but it does get a bit frustrating. I was hoping that the increased cost of birth control would be balanced by the decrease in feminine products, which has not been the case :( Anyone else experiencing this or have any suggestions?
I have skipped my period several times while taking Trisprintec (the generic Ortho-tricyclin) and I have never had a problem. I take the first 3 weeks of one pack, skip the white placebo pills, then just start the next pack from the beginning and I have never spotted. It does work :)
This doesn't really help with the skip a period thing but to help with the balancing of cost, instead of using pads or tampons, use mooncups or diva cups. they are a reusable menstral cup that is revolutionizing the fate that is mentration. They cost about $20 for one and it will last years. It is a surgical grade plastic and is super flexible. It may seem strange at first but you'll love it!! It makes a period do-able.
My fiance is coming home from basic training... I haven't seen him since September and really dont want to be on my period while he is here next month... If I try to skip this period and it doesn't work and I keep up the yellow (yasmine) should it work next time?
I've skipped my period successfully (with only 1 day of break through bleeding). I'm on Marvelon. Only been on it for about 8 months. No problems at all.
anyone have luck skipping on Nuvaring? I asked my Dr. but she's not sure if doing this will keep me safe from getting pregnant.
i'm on yasmin pills. my wedding is on 1 july and my period will start on july 4, how can i advance my period for 1 week before that date?? how should i use the pills?
i am on triphasal 28 and am going to Mexico at the end of this month, the only problem is that is when i am expected to get my period. What can I do to skip my period or get it before i go or after without risking pregnancy?
i just started yasmin. when do i get my period next, in the beginning or the end of the white pills? thanx
I am going out of town in 10 days and just realized I will have my period. I am not currently taking any sort of birth control pill, but would like to know if there is anyway to take a high dosage of anything as to prevent gettng my period, or putting it off for a week. is it too late?
Whenever I skip my period on The Patch (Ortho-Evra), right before the next month's period time, I start spotting. And it's brown. Like, my body is arguing with me for not having my period. Is this normal? Anybody else try skipping with Ortho-Evra?
Ladies: Love the Nuvaring! I had almost continuous spotting (just a small amount but almost daily) for years, and seeing many many doctors who could not explain it (one misdiagnosed me with endometriosis. Another quite inappropriately suggested I get pregnant - I was single and a college student at the time). I tried every pill imaginable, the patch, everything. Finally, a nurse practitioner suggested Nuvaring for continuous use and it has changed my life. For the first 6-9 months I still had a little bit of spotting - but less. And now I have no period (except once every 3 months, when I take the ring out for a week) and no spotting. I love it. Also, my NP suggested that rather than doing 3 weeks then putting in a new ring, I leave it in for all 4 weeks, then put in another ring. Since it is effective leaving it out altogether that 4th week, this is not dangerous, and it saves money. Initially, I'd have a bit of spotting during that 4th week but not anymore. If you are like me and don't have health insurance, this was great advice to help cut the cost of the ring.
Anyone know a cheap online pharmacy for the ring?
I have been on trispintec (the generic to orthotriclycen) for two years. Three weeks ago, I decided to skip my period for the first time. I skipped the week of placebos and started a new pack. I didn't get my period the days I needed to skip. However, after 4 days of skipping I got my period for 4 days (I continued with the new pack.) I have also experienced a little bleeding since then and have not completely stopped. It's been 3 weeks so I'm about to start my placebo week and will try that, see what happens with my period, and hopefully things will be normal after that. Otherwise, I plan to seek medical attention. Can you get blood clots from doing this? I guess that is what I'm worried about.
I have been on the pill for 9 years now and was thinking of switching to nuva ring because of my rotating work schedule (I tend to forget my pill @ least 2-3 times a month). Wondering if anyone has had any problems with the ring? Also, if spotting is normal at first, are there issues with using a tampon? Also, anyone using the ring, are there any issues with having sex while its in? And, any problems skipping periods with it? Thanx
I'm happy to hear that I am not the only one - I take ortho-tri-cyclen-lo and tried to skip a period. First week into my "skip" was fine, but started bleeding half way through the light blue pills and am still bleeding (10 days later). I'm going to finish the pack and hopefully get back on track next month. I'm just wondering if there is an increased risk of pregnancy in the meantime, since my period has been thrown off. Also as a side note, I use the re-useable "cup" instead of tampons - mine is called The Keeper - and I love it and highly recommend!
I have been using the patch for about 10 months now, and have been putting a new patch on each week in an attempt to skip my periods. It was working for the first little while, but now I am getting full periods again with some brown spotting in between also. I was on depo-provera before, so I became used to having no period. Any suggestions for what I might be doing wrong? Thanks.
I am going out of town on the in 2 weeks and right in the middle of my trip I will get my period. I am not on any birth control. How can I stop it?
I have been on yasmin for 2 years now all of a sudden I've been getting a period every two weeks. I went to the doctor and she pretty much told me to wait it out. I'm really nervous about this what if there is something wrong and I'm unable to have children someday can you please help me?
Having an issue...thought I was the only one, but I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. So, I've been on Yasmin for four months. The second month into the third I tried skipping the placebo week so as to not get my period. Well, I did anyway and then went on and off for two whole weeks. Now at the end of the third month, I took the placebo week pills really with no period, but now I've been having spotting for ten days or this normal? I'm going away on Friday (it's Monday) and am desperate to make the spotting go away! Any ideas? (stop altogether, double up etc.) My gyno said it's normal, but I went on to bc to regulate my period in the first place, not have it for the whole month! Please help!
I have noticed that those on the ortho tricyclen pills are having problems skipping periods. That is probably due to the fact that they are triphasic, unlike pills such as yasmin which are monophasic. To my understanding monophasic pills give you the same hormones every week except for the week of placebos "sugar pills" which is your period week. triphasic pills give you different levels of different hormones each week except for your period week. Therefore if you skip the placebos and go to a different pack of monophasic pills your body usually will not have to adjust because it has been getting those same hormones each week. With triphhasic pills, the hormones are all different and skipping your placebo week can screw up your body due to the fact that you are skipping the week of bleeding that the different levels of hormones have led your body to believe is coming. I plan to also ask my doctor about this because i do not want to be on my period on my honeymoon!! Also, if anyone on here is having depression or any other mental problems since starting the pill, try switching to something monophasic. I have a friend who said that the ortho tri cyclen was making her phsyco. Her body could not handle all the different levels of hormones. Her doctor switched her over to a monophasic pill and she has been fine ever since.
Wondering if anyone with menstrual migraines has any experience with Nuvaring? I'm thinking of trying it. Also, I recently gained about 30 lbs. due to the progestin (I think) in my current OC, which is why I'm considering switching to Nuvaring. Anyone have any info on weight gain/ loss with Nuvaring vs. OC? I was on an OC called "Levlen" and I'm pretty sure it is primarily responsible for these lovely additional pounds. Gotta get them off. Feel free to Email:
I did end up talking to my doctor and she prescribed me 3 packs of ortho cyclen (I was on ortho tricyclen.)She told me to take them consecutivley skipping the green pills in the first two packs. She said not to try skipping periods with ortho tricyclen. After the third pack i go back to my regular triphasic pill
My situation and question seems to be a bit different from what I've read on here... I take Ortho Tri-Cyclen and have been for 1 year now. Before that I was on the Depo-Provera shot and was used to not having a period for 3 years. So my ob/gyn said I could use the Ortho similar to Seasonale - take the pills continuously for 3-4 months skipping the placebos (but still taking them in normal order, unlike what's explained above) and then having my period.
Okay, now here's where I'm at right now... I hadn't had a period for 4 months BUT was expected it the week of my finals. My periods are horrible - lasting 16 days last time (but usually ~10), tons of bleeding, lots of cramping (and yes it's been like this my whole life). So I skipped another month so I wouldn't have my period during my finals and have now been 5 months without a period, although I did experience a bit of spotting for a couple days this last time.
Here's the problem... My husband is coming home from Tuesday-Thursday (May 23-25) and I am expected to have my period Wednesday. After that, we are going on vacation starting June 2. I REALLY do not want to be on my period when my husband visits and on our vacation! If I skip again it will be SIX months since I've had a period, but I don't know what else to do! And I'm not sure this is healthy! I'm just really upset and confused and I'm afraid when I ask my Dr. she'll tell me just to have my period, but she doesn't understand how incredibly bad it is when I do have one nor how important it is for me not to have it.
Has anyone else out there experienced this same thing??? - Purposely missing their period for 6 months and it's okay? Please help! You can e-mail me at Thank you!
NUVA RING! I switched to this method since January and it is absolutely great. I have not had any sides affects like i was having with the patch i.e headaches and weight gain. It does not interfere with sex, your partners doesnt feel it unless he has his finger in there. You only insert it once and month and you almost forget that it's in there. Initially you will be consciencious about it but after 2 months it became normal. I'm graduating this weekend and I'm expecting my period. I'm going to take it out on the fourth week instead so that I can delay my period. Thank you for this blog. I honestly did not think I would find a solution to this problem. Thanks!!
I was on ortho cyclen and had a lot of headaches so my doctor switched me to the ring. I leave it in 4 weeks and then put in a new one. I have been skipping my peroid on it, with the last peroid being the end of jan., and just this week the end of may I have started my breakthrough bleeding. I dont think I will go so long next time due to the fact I have been bleeding for 5 days straight just like I am on my period. I am sure it is prob. just because I have waited so Long. The only side effect I have seen is I have gained 10 pounds from when I started. Im not sure if that is from skipping periods or just a side effect from using the ring.
Holy Shit ... this stuff is seriously unhealthy to do...birth control is one thing -- i used to be on the patch until i started losing my hair, but using it to skip periods can seriously fuck up yoru hormonal "balance". you shed your lining every month for a reason, ladies.
Nuvaring is the best thing that ever happened to me in the birth control world. I spotted constantly on everything else. And the Ring even has the lowest dose of hormones of anything out there.
Nuvaring is the answer to cramps every month, a backpack full of tampons and stained underwear as far as I am concerned. I wish I had started it before I got to grad school because having your period while your are out on field trips in the middle of nowhere SUCKS! Other pills caused my breasts to swell and become VERY tender and even though I am a rather methodical person I would occasionally forget to take a pill and immediately start bleeding. DOH! So now I use Nuvaring for 4 weeks continuously, put in a new one for another 4 weeks and then have a week of bleeding. It works most of the time but a couple times I have still experienced what seems like a regular period during that 4th week even if the ring is still in. I've talked to my doctor and I might try a different schedule but I would like to use it continuously for 3 or 4 months at a time.
Ugh! I used Depo for nearly 10 years before finding NuvaRing this spring. Sure the ring works, but talk about a pain my newly growing behind: I'm constantly congested, moody, I get terrible head and body aches; my breasts have been tender for months. The weight gain is obscene to what my doctor told me to anticipate. Cravings? I never had anything like that on Depo! Can't someone just rip these stupid ovaries out of me already? Argh. Given the other available options however, Nuvaring is decent. I appreciate not having to chow pills every day and be forced into observing bloody waste seeping from my body.
I had horrible migranes on Alesse, and Mircette, and now that I'm on NuvaRing I haven't had one headache! I LOVE it!
I also don't have PMS, or spotting, and I can't even tell the ring is there.
I don't know how I managed to remember to take a pill every day--I hardly ever think about birth control these days.
I am orthotricyclen and i was wondering if when you take the second pack backwards IS PREGNANCY STILL PREVENTED???? i am supposed to take placebo pills on monday but want to skip them, but only if it still prevents pregnancy. HELP ME!!
I am orthotricyclen and i was wondering if when you take the second pack backwards IS PREGNANCY STILL PREVENTED???? i am supposed to take placebo pills on monday but want to skip them, but only if it still prevents pregnancy. HELP ME!!
I used to take ortho tri-cyclen and almost every time i tried skipping my period it would work for a little bit and then I would either lightly bleed for a while or be spotting for 3 or 4 weeks at a time, sometimes even 5 weeks...
tri-cyclen is the worst for skipping because the amount of hormones keeps changing. I also didn't like it because it mad me irritable, sad, and i still had cramps when i did have my period.
I just switched to ortho-nouvum.
Does anybody have any advice for me? what should i expect on this pill? Can someone share an experience of their own for me?
I would really appreciate it.
I always get nervous when i switch birth control pills. help!
Hi Ladies, wow. . this website is great. Thought I'd share with you my experiences and answer some of your questions. The first pill I went on was Diane. . Horrible pill, made me a right cow to live with and I gained about 10 kg and went from a size 10 to a size 14. So. . I switched to a weaker pill Yasmin! Amazing, back to being a size 10. I have been on it for 2 years and skip my periods regularly. I usually skip one, have one, skip one. . .but recently have been skipping more, up to about 3. . . But, this last time I skipped 2 and got my period anyway. . very strange. I have had it for about 10 days now (not normal) and I'm on the third week of yellow pills (active ones), at the end of this week I get to my white ones (inactive). So I'm not sure if I should skip these white ones that are coming up?? If I take the white ones (inactive) will I get my period again (twice in one month!!!)?? So confused. . first time in my life they have been out of control.
Also Doc says it's fine to skip as long as you have your period 3 times a year, 2 minimum.
Never heard of the ring, but might give it a go if Yasmin keeps stuffing me around.
Don't ever use diane. . it's evil unless you want to gain weight or get some impressive size D boobs. . also good if you have bad acne, I didn't have one pimple in 3 years.
What is a "fake" period?
Here's some published science from a girl with access to the journals... from a 2001 article in the Annals of Pharmacotherapy*:
Normal menstruation occurs due to sloughing of the endometrial lining in response to changing concentrations of estrogen and progesterone. Because OCs decrease the flux of these hormones, women taking these agents have limited endometrial buildup and do not require monthly bleeding to shed the lining. Some women believe monthly bleeding is necessary to prevent the development of endometrial cancer. However, the cells shed during menstruation are comprised only of the top layer, not the basal cells involved in neoplasia. Medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable suspension, a contraceptive that induces amenorrhea in many patients, is associated with an unchanged risk of ovarian cancer and a decreased risk of endometrial cancer. Monthly bleeding may be a nuisance to women, and continuous use of OCs may offer advantages to one’s quality of life. However, convenience is not the only proposed benefit of continuous OC use. Disease states associated with hormonal fluctuations, such as fibroids, menstrual migraines, polycystic ovary syndrome, some cases of asthma, premenstrual syndrome, and acne, may benefit from suppression of withdrawal bleeding. Anemia related to blood loss may be positively affected. In addition, physicians have long advocated continuous OC use for pelvic pain associated with endometriosis and other conditions that flare with menses.
*(Clarke A and Miller S, The Debate Regarding Continuous Use of Oral Contraceptives. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 35 (11): 1480. (2001))
Nuvaring is amazing! I haven't tried it yet to skip periods, but have been using it for over a year and I love it. I cannot feel it, it actually makes sex MORE pleasurable for me for some reason and my husband doesn't feel a thing. I love the ring and would never go back to having to remember the pill.
Nuvaring is the way to go. I tried everything to skip my period and always had breakthrough bleeding. With Nuvaring, haven't had breakthrough in over a year.
Thanks ladies! I've read some great advise - but I am still not sure where to start - there are so many brands - how do you know/figure out what is right for you? Is experimentation the only way?
I am 45 yrs old and recently "borrowed" a pack ofLevelen 28 from a friend. I did this so that I could move my period away from my vacation week. I startd the pill on the SUnday afte my period in June and took it for 10 days. I was feelign bloated, etc and decided it wasnt worth it. NOw 4 day slater I started my this going to be just a normal period and then my cycles will return to normal or have I really messed something up? I normally do not take the pill for Birth control, I just wanted to move my period!
Hmmmmm... Been on the nuva ring for about 5 weeks now (in a row) and I've been bleeding for about the last 6 days... not heavy.. but not spotting either... I'm told this should phase out over the next 3-6 months.. I hope so... While the bleeding isn't bad, the cramps are truly annoying.. Didn't have 'em for this long before!
I'm on the NuvaRing, but confused about the instructions for skipping my period while using it. You give the option of putting new rings in every three weeks and every four weeks. What is the difference - or, why the difference? Obviously, I'd prefer to wait the four weeks for the cost, mostly. Am I running any extra risk of pregnancy, or any other risks?
If you could clear this up on the original post, I'd be very grateful! Thanks for all the good information.
I'm glad I'm not the only one but....I tried to skip my period using Ortho tri-cyclen but I took it normal.....meaning I skipped the placebo pills then started taking another pack normal....I started my period on Thursday of the 1st week of active pills.....I just started my 3rd week of active pills yesterday....I still have my period...I'm suppose to take my placebo pills next week (which I WILL) but to those who have had the same problems as I am having....HOW LONG DID YOUR PERIOD LAST?? Did waiting and taking your placebo pills stop your period or return to "NORMAL"?? What should I do? Although I've had my period almost 13 days...its been light but I've still had it!
This is a link that describes the dosage levels in all birth control pills.
Hey Ladies,
I have been on the pill for years and have recently switched to Ortho Lo. I have never before skipped a period; however, when I was on vacation last week I skipped the placebos and started a new pack (with the whites as I had not seen this site). I'm a bit freaked b/c I called the ortho hotline and the dr. informed me that there was no research done to test the effectiveness of ortho lo when skipping a period. He said it was not recommended.
Anyway, I missed my period for the intended week and now I am spotting, cramped and worried. I guess the only course of action I can take now is to finish the pack (another two and half weeks). I'm just hoping that spotting means I'm not pregnant.
I'll never try to dodge mother nature again - the mental anguish is too much!
If anyone has tried this please let me know.
The Nuvaring is effective for 4 FULL weeks, but the manufacturer suggests that you replace the ring every 3. My doctor told me that (as this site also says) that it's ok to leave the ring in for 4 weeks and then immediately insert a new ring without increasing your pregnancy risk.
I just started the ring but had been on Orthocyclene for YEARS before switching to Nuvaring. I haven't had my period in 2 years (with doctor's approval). It aggrevates me to NO END when uneducated doctors refuse to allow their patients to skip periods. Research has repeatedly proven that skipping your periods is safe.
I've also noticed that ladies on triphasic and low dose contraceptives have a much more difficult time with the back to back regimine. And some women really do need to allow their bodies to acclimate to the change for a few months to get used to it. But once your body is on the new regimine of fewer periods per year you will love it. Also, it's better to pick a regimine and stick to it on a long term basis if you want to prevent any spotting and or breakthrough bleeding.
Good luck to you all and I will continue to enjoy having no period, no cramping, no breast tenderness and no babies!!
I've been on the patch for about 6 months now and i've never tried skipping my period because i wonder; when i put on a new patch during my normal period week, when i'm done with that box will my period come a week earlier than usual now? That would actually be cool. ^.^ So if anybody who's done it before knows, plz tell me!
okay ladies, I have been taking Yasmin for a couple of years but recently decided to start skipping my periods. I didn't have a period for three months and started my period about a month ago although I was still taking the active pills. My problem is that I have been on my period now for a month!!!!! Actually, I had a real period for about the first 10 days ( which is twice as long as usual) and then spotted for about 15 days, again had my period for about five days and am now spotting again. I just stopped taking the active pills one week ago. I'm thinking about taking the active pills again to see if it stops the spotting. I'm so sick of my period - and my boyfriend is too. I tried the ring but real didn't like it. Has anyone had a similar experience?
Ok so I wanted to say thankyou for this website it has helped a lot. I am on nuvaring and have been on it since feb and it is now september. I LOVE IT! I started the ring out with the four-week cycle and inserting a new one every four weeks for three months. In the third month, instead of going the full four weeks, I actually used the ring-free week and had my period. It worked wonderfully at first... One night after having sex about 3 or 4 months ago I accidently left out my ring longer than three hours and realized in the morning, reinserted it, but still got my period. I dont usually take the ring out, but for some reason I did this night...I usually can't feel it,neither can my partner.
I was close to the end of my four weeks, so I waited to take it out while having spotting, mostly yucky brown mess, a little regular period spotting. Once I took it out I had my period, I reinserted a brand new ring, and left it in like usual for the four weeks, reinterested a new ring, and the first three weeks of the second month went fine, in the fourth week I started spotting the icky brown stuff again, even with the ring still in place. So I took it out and had my period, even though I usually left it in another whole month without the spotting.
HELP!!! I NEED TO KNOW WHY THIS IS HAPPENING. I am in my second month, fourth week and still have the ring in, but spotting again. I am suppose to change my ring today, but I may just leave it out so that I can stop the spotting, but am wondering if I should put in another so that my body will get use to the hormones...WHEN WILL I EVER GET BACK TO WHERE I CAN LEAVE THE RING IN FOR THREE MONTHS STRAIGHT AND HAVE MY PERIOD IN THE THIRD MONTH INSTEAD OF MY SECOND??? I have thought about changing my regiment to the three week cycle.. but need some input... the spotting really interferes with my sex life... I was on depo before and didn't have any problems with the ring until I forgot to put it back in! HELP! Any input would be valuable!
I have been on Ortho Evra for 10 months now and have always taken it as perscribed but would like to skip this months period and don't know how. I will be removing my third weeks patch tomorrow. Will I skip my period if I put a patch on during my "period week"? If anyone can help me I would much appreciate it! I never start my period on the Monday of my "period week", I usually start it on Tuesday or Wednesday. I am going away for the weekend and don't want to be in the prime of my period for Friday how do I skip it? Please HELP!!!!
Hi Ladies, I have been on Yasmin for 3 months and have skipped my period for 2 months with great success. I had spotting for 2 days after 2 months, not a big deal. My question is, do you think there are any bad side effects? I have noticed that my face has been breaking out more and I'm crampy sometimes. Do you think it's a bad idea to hold on to all those toxins in your body?
Does anyone know how to skip your period using YAZ ?
I am using Nuvaring and it is great. You can easily skip a period with it, just put in another ring after 3 weeks. You will be just as protected from pregnancy as the first three weeks.
For the girl using the Nuvaring for 3 months at a time, but who is now getting brown spotting...maybe you should try the 3 week regimen instead of 4 weeks. The ring is actually designed to release the prescribed amount of progestin and estrogen for 3 weeks, you can leave it in for up to 4 weeks because the hormones are released gradually, and some hormone is likely to be left in the ring during the 4th week. As a safeguard, I would try 3 weeks at a time instead.
For all you ladies trying to skip periods on triphasic pills - maybe you are having difficulty because of the fluctuating hormone levels. A triphasic pill is one that has three different colored active pills and then another color placebo (sugar) pill. If you are having problems, maybe try switching to a monophasic pill to skip a period. You'll probably have more stable hormones, which can only be a good thing.
Good luck!
Has anyone had over three weeks of BREAK THROUGH BLEEDING while on Orthro Tri Cyclen LO? I didn't have any problems the first pack/cycle, then my second pack made my next period come two weeks earlier than expected. Okay, fine. Then I was okay for another two weeks and then my period came again. NOW I haven't stopped bleeding for almost 3 weeks! I want to stop taking it all together but don't want the past couple of months to have been a waste. I know, I know, call the doctor... but I just wanted to know if this is common. Thx. :(
The person who got all wired up and said that skipping periods is bad for you needs to acquaint herself/himself with more up-to-date research. It is now believed (and supported by numerous studies) that reducing the number of periods one has during one's fertility lifetime reduces the risk of numerous health issues (cancer, endometriosis, etc.). It is theorized that because women don't spend as much of their lives pregnant as we did generations ago, that we're essentially having *too many* periods and increasing our risks for various health issues.
Do your homework, ladies. Just because you think that it can't be healthy to skip periods doesn't mean you're correct.
Something to keep in mind...birth control pills are coagulants. What does that mean for you? Blood clots, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolisms, stroke and death. I took Yasmin for a year and a half on a try-cycle plan. I don't drink, do drugs or smoke. I have no hereditary history or past history of my own to include blood clots. I was diagnosed with multiple pulmonary embolisms this year. Were the blood clots related to the birth control? Yes, according to every test that was run, birh control caused the blood clots. I am currently on Coumadin, a blood thinner. Be careful when taking the pill or any hrt, it is NEVER worth the side effect, not EVER!
To anonymous's comment above... there are a lot of positive reasons to use birth control, like not having kids, for one thing. Pregnancy is a dangerous process for a woman to go through. It is more dangerous in developing countries, but even in developed countries, pregnancy is not risk free. I personally know two women who have gotten blood clots from pregnancy, and one of those women died.
Other positive things about birth control: it reduces your risk for certain cancers and can help women with polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis.
There are many scientific articles about continuous birth control and its risks. For those of you who want to read more, go to, type in "continuous birth control" and read a review. This will give you some info on potential risks.
Also, many of you seem to be having problems with birth control. Call your doctors! That's what they're there for. For some extra advice on skipping periods completely, visit BUT TALK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST!!! Take it from a molecular biology grad student who has been trying continuous birth control for about half a year now. They're there to help and can put your mind at ease.
I have to skip my period next month due to a vacation. I'm on Orthro Tri Cyclen and I read so much about how you should go from the third week of pills straight to the first week of the next pack. But so many said they had break through bleeding due to the lower dose of hormones in that first week. So I'm doing it by skipping the placebo pill and going straight to the third week of the next pack. That way, hormone levels won't change. Sure, I'll lose 2 weeks worth of pills but I think its worth it.
Could someone explain to me:
I have been on yasmin for over a year, I take 3 packs in a row and then have a period... But not I have been off them for 2 weeks waiting for my period and I still haven't started, I'm not pregnant, my tubes are tied...I just use the pill to stay regular... I'm kinda freaking out here, wondering if the pill made me go through menopause ..
Please Help.
I tried skipping my period while on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo by skipping the green placebo pills and going straight to the white in a new pack. I still got my period on the white pills in the new pack. It doesn't work. I have tried it twice. I did not try the "backwards" method because my gynecologist told me that I could possibly get pregnant by switching up the levels of hormones that way.
Question for y'all.
I started the Nuvaring last Friday and was wondering, because I'm already experiencing cramping, but my doctor told me to leave it in for three weeks. He wants my body to get used to it for a little while, since my hormones are very messed up. Anyway, so I'm keeping it in for three weeks, and so in two more weeks I take it out and what? Should I get my period right away or will it come a few days later?
Also, can you have the ring in and still have your period? I'm confused about that. Thank you!
i just went on yasmin a week ago but i want to skip my period that i will have in 2 weeks, is that possible this early? help please...
i dont know if i should stop the pill and start again, will that do me any good? i really really dont want it.
i was on yasmin for 5 months and i started spooting none stop. my doctor took me off it and has put me onto normin continuous so i dont get a period, i was told that if i start spotting i need to have a period but otherwise it is safe to have no period whatsever for as long as i want even if its for 2 years withour a period. how cool. the doctor is doing tests to see if i have endometriosis because of the severe cramps i have for days and the spotting continously. all other people i know that have been on yasmin ended uo going off it because they got side effects like depression, bloating, breast tenderness and enlargement ect.
Hey there ladies,
I am switching from Seasonale to NuvaRing. I have heard only good things from friends about the ring but after reading some of these comments I am nervous about the weight gain issue. Just wondering if anyone has any 'words of wisdom' or advise about this. Is this just a personal issue or am I really going to gain a massive amount of weight??
Any info you can give me would be great!
Sure, weight gain is a risk. I think the only way to find out how the ring will affect you is just to go ahead and try it! The great thing about Nuvaring is that you can try it FREE for a month...just print a voucher off of and present it to your doctor and pharmacist when getting your prescription. If it makes you gain weight during that trial month, you have no obligation to try it again, and you've lost no money. I am new to Nuvaring myself, and am very, very happy. Good luck! :)
hey. i have been on yasmin for 4 months now, and for the past 2 months i have skipped my period and i was planning to have my period this month. but i am going away to the beach for the week i will have my period. will it be safe to skip it a third time in a row? and if i did, is there chances i will get spotting?
I started Nuvaring 4 months ago after being on Depo Provera for 6 years and not having a period. I was pulled from the Depo due to its likelihood to cause bone density loss in long term use. I have been using the 3 weeks then start a new one method. The only problem I have had with the ring is my breast get swollen and sore 3 or 4 days a week. They can also appear a cup size bigger. Some of you may like this side effect but being a small girl with C cups having "D" days kinda sucks.
I've been trying to skip on Nuvaring to reduce menstrual migraines. I know sometimes it takes a while to get adjusted, but now I've been bleeding for 3 weeks. I'm starting to get really frustrated.
I switched to Nuvaring from the patch about a year ago and I freakin love it!! My body can't handle high doses of hormone and I have never had one side effect from the ring. I've just recently been thinking about having fewer periods (because of the commercials I guess!) and found this website! Thanks guys!!
Hey anyone who wants to skip a period while on ortho tricyclen lo ITS NOT WORTH IT!...I tried to do this and made it through the first weekof active pills with no problem during the second week i began to bleed heavily and have been for 15 days!...I called my doctor and due to the changing levels of hormones this birth control isn't suposed to be used for skipping periods!...I hope this will save some of you from the 2 weeks of hell i'v experienced!
If you are trying to skip your period on Ortho-Tricyclen Lo, as in delay it for a special occasion, the nurse practioner that I just spoke to recommended that I go from the dark blue pills to the dark blue pills of a new pack (meaning, skip the green of the current pack and the white and light blue pills of the next package too). This will maintain your horomone levels like a mono-phasic pill. Following the dark blue pills she recommend you take the green ones to get your period and then start a new pack like normal. So you waste 2 weeks of pills, but most likely will not experience any break through bleeding, and can successfully delay your period one week. I'll try it for my upcoming's hoping!
I was on nuvaring for about 3 months and found that not having a period was frustrating, I know sounds wierd, but I like to stay regular. I went to Ortho tri-cyclen just last month and I was suppose to start my period 2 days ago. I am a little worried, but have been experiencing some of the side effects from the pill. Is this normal, do you think I should check to see if I am pregnant?
The shot is only way to do this with out running the risk of becoming preg. Use Depo baby!
To everyone who has had trouble trying to skip a period with Tri Cyclen Lo -
I did this too, and also ended up getting my period after the first week of active pills. It lasted for about 3 weeks, although it was pretty light. This was last September - so don't worry, it did eventually go away and I am fine.
I am so surprised by how many people are on birth control because they are smart enough to have sex but know nothing about hormones, periods, and "fake periods". THEY ARE NOT FAKE. They are actually WITHDRAWAL BLEEDING. Hormones trick your body so you do not produce eggs so you dont get pregnant. Most people understsnd that. What you dont seem to be understanding is why you are getting your periods on the 4th week. When your hormones are reduced back to normal levels your body produces a period. This is a withdrawal from the hormones. If you dont reduce the level of hormones you might not get a period. Some women gets periods or breakthrough bleeding regardless of their hormone level. Advice is great, but remember every woman is different. Birth control pills are all different. Most have different levels of hormones each week, hence the different colored pills. When your hormone levels go up and down you will eventually have breakthrough or withdrawal bleeding on the low weeks because you are having withdrawals from the high weeks. You should be talking to your doctor or healthcare provider to get info on safely skipping periods. This is not safe for everyone. Skipping your withdrawal bleed will not work for everyone regardless of how many blogs you read. Please be more informed. If you can have sex you can ask your doctor how to do this safely with your particular birth control.
HELP please!
okay so im on ortho tricyclen LO and i wanted to skip my period. i took my last blue pill friday and so i started a new pack saturday and for the past 2 days ive been taking the white pill. should i skip to the light blue pill tomorrow??? or would that just ruin everything? i really CANT have my period this week. i usually get my period on the monday after i end my pack friday. HELP!
I'm on tri-sprintec, and skipped my period for Valentine's Day week. I'm on the 10th day of the new pill pack, (I took it in regular and not reverse order) and began spotting today. I called the pharmacist, and she said to keep taking the pills until I finish the pack and then to have a period. She also said that I couldn't get pregnant because I'm still on the pills with active hormones.
To those with experiencing constant bleeding on ortho lo...Yes I experienced this too, and not by trying to skip a period. I had been on O. Tricyclene, but switched to a different Planned Parenthood that didn't carry it. They only carried the Lo. I bled for weeks and weeks. My doc said it was okay, but it sucked. I am now on TriSprintec and will be taking the dark blue pills this week for the second week in a row in an attempt to skip my period. I sure hope it works. I do not want to bleed this week.
I was interested in skipping my period, but have noticed all of the problems people have been having with Ortho Tri-cyclen Lo. My is to finish my dark blue pills and then take another set of dark blue pills (to offset the period by a week) and then take the green ones to have my period. Then continue with a new pack with the whites, as if everything happened as usual. Has anyone done this and had any success. Please email me with any experience. Thanks!
i am going away in a month and not currently on a form of birth control but wish to skip my period, i am just about to start on juliet 35 is there anyway to prevent my first period?
i've been on yasmine for a couple years, and just skipped my first period last month. when i started the 2nd pack, i had spotting almost the whole 2nd 3 weeks, and then only 1 day of period. i took all of the pills the 2nd 3 weeks, but not at exactly the same time everyday. is there a chance i could be pregnant? could i have released an egg during the 2nd 3 weeks?
HI Everyone, I really need your advice. I have been on ortho low for a few years ( I first started on regular ortho) and my Dr. wants be to switch to Aviane because of mirgrains and chance of pregnancy. I am very worried about switching to this brand and want to go back to the orginal ortho tri that I was very first placed on. Do you have any advice on what to do? Thank you all so much..I love this wesite!
I tried the regimen for ortho tri cyclen listed here. I did the first month and skipped the green pills then took the second month backwards. I am on the last day of the light blue pill in the second month (starting white pills tomorrow). I have been having severe cramping in my uterine area today that is very uncomfortable and mild cramps a few other days this week as well as extremely tender, sensitive, and definitely swollen or slightly enlarged breasts(but not to a noticeable extent by other people...possibly water weight?) since I started the second month, which has also been a bit uncomfortable. Any ideas on why this might be happening? Should I see a doctor or is this normal? I'm scared that my body isn't agreeing with the reversed hormone cycle. Confused about what to do next.....please help with advice!!
help!!! i was on the pill for a month, decided to skipped the iron pills and start the next pack so i wouldn't have my period on my vacation. i finished that pack almost 2 weeks ago and still haven't had a period. should i be worried?
i am waiting for my period to come before i continue taking the pill.
I'm getting married on July 14th and I am currently not taking any birth control pills. My period will be coming on that same week. So I want to start taking birth control pills to control that. Should I start with the pills now or wait until one month before.
I've read through all the comments trying to find an answer to my question. I'm on the Nuvaring, and have been for about 7 months. I'm taking it on the regular three wekk cycle, but have been getting my period 1-4 days BEFORE the ring is supposed to come out. Is there anything I can do to prevent spotting? I've tried trisprintec, desogen, and ortho evera and spotted on all but the patch. I was ok for the first few months, but the last three I have been getting my period earlier adn earlier. Tampons are very uncomforatble, but I'm extremely active so i don't want to use pads. Can i take the ring out? and if I do, do I have to put a new one in seven days later? or when I originally would have? Please help, and let me know if anyone else has found a solution to bleeding with the nuvaring in
what doesnt make sense to me using yasmin, is the instructions say that if you skip 2 days in your last week of active pills, that you could get pregnant, but why? wouldnt it just be like having two extra days of your "period"? i wanted to skip this month's period but i am already two days into my sugar would it be too late to start a new pack?
ok this is going to sound odd but I really need to not have my period for this weekend. I'm on Yasmin and just got it this morning. is there a way to still skip it? like if I doubled up on the yellow pills or am I just out of luck?
I've been using Nuvaring , after having used Ortho-low and the patch in the past. Both were a pain in the butt, and I learned about Nuvaring after finding out about this blogsite. What a godsend! I use them for 4 weeks, rather than 3, and after some initial breakthrough bleeding, its going away and I've had pretty much no problems. I like being on a lower hormone dose, and I just need to remember to write down when I insert the ring in order to remove it a month later. Only If I've left it in too long have I had any sort of recent breakthrough. I have few problems when it comes to inserting and removing the ring, and I'd say I don't feel it about 80% of the time, otherwise, you can feel it ever so slightly. After trying various forms of birth control over 7-8 years, this has been, by far, the best, and it doesn't involve buying extra packs. The biggest thing is being comfortable about inserting the ring in your vagina. I know some people aren't, but the convenience is worth it. I am very grateful that blogs like this are available, as I would have not known about these other methods and wouldn't have been able to reduce my period to four times a year. My fiancee seems to prefer it as well!
I would like to stop my period for a week since I am going on vacation. I am currently on Yasmin 28 and I think the last time I tried to stop my period on Yasmin I ended up with spotting. Please help!
I am currently on Yasmin 28, but would like to delay my period a week since I am going on vacation. I'm not sure, but I think the last time I tried to do this on Yasmin, I had spotting by the 3rd day. What should I do?
I just got the nuva ring and I want to put it in immediately. I am currently half-way through a pack of yasmin, and I am wondering if it is okay to just switch over to the ring, thus skipping the period I would have had with my yasmin placebos. It seems from everything that I have read that this is okay. Has anyone else done this?
BY THE WAY, the reason I switched to the ring is because oral contraceptives LOWERED MY LIBIDO! Apparently when the contents of the pill metabolizes through the liver, some byproduct of the process binds to testosterone, which is inhibited, thus lowering sex drive. The nuvaring is not metabolized through the liver, so the libido is not as greatly affected. That is what my doctor told me today, although I may be missing a few technical terms if any biologists want to correct me..
Anyway, that's off-topic, but important to know too! Many women suffer from decreased libidos on the pill
i just wanted to share my experience in case it can help someone- i have tried many tmes in the past to skip a period by taking hormone pills rather than placebo ones, and it has never been effective. i get my period anyway, except that it is very slow and the blood seems to be "old", not really red at all. also, after this event, i will generally get this period for the entire month, or until i stop taking the hormone pills again. bummer, huh? i once got my period (which, again, was not like a real period) for 2 1/2 months straight. my theory as to why this happens to me is that i have been on the pills for so long, my body is just used to that cycle and is unwilling to be forced out of its habit. then, by continuing with the hormone pills, it just gets confused and doesn't know what to do. (when in doubt, fake an injury? lol) anywho- if this happens to anyone else the best (non-professional) advice i can offer is to try your damndest to ALWAYS factor your period into future plans.... WAY future plans. on the pill this should be easy. later.
Hi All, I have many of the same questions about ortho-tri-cylen lo and skipping your period.
I found this answer on another site:
Basicall, it seems to indicate the follwoing
1. Yes you are protected from getting pregnant
2. You should take the non-placebo pills in reverse (as suggested by this site) so your body doesn't freak out
3. You should expect extra and early bleeding the second month.
Hope this helps;read=522
Hey. First, by skipping your inactive week, you're continuing to provide estrogen to your uterus which nourishes it's lining. As the lining of your uterus gets thicker, it starts to require more progestin. And since you have given it less progestin for the last 2 weeks than what it had during the 3rd week in your last pack, there wasn't enough progestin to suppress bleeding. This is why you started bleeding earlier. Second, you're on a triphasic pill and it's very tricky to skip your period on triphasic pills because of the change in progestin each week. You can't just skip your placebos and start a new pack. After you take your 3rd week of pills, you need to start a new 3rd week of pills and that way your body is getting a bit of the same dose of hormones. This doesn't always work though and a lot of doctors agree that it's not a good idea to try to skip your period on triphasic pills. If this is something you may want to consider trying again in the future, you probably want to switch to a monophasic pill, so that your body will get the same amount of progestin each week. But, to answer your question, your body is still receiving hormones each day and yes, you are protected. But, don't be surprised if you continue to bleed until your next pack. Take care!
what is it with yasmin, i too only get until the 4th week and then i strat bleeding!!!!
Im on yasmin and i tried skipping my period but when i started the new pack i got my period in the middle of that week. I've been on my period for almost 2 weeks now. I've never been on my period for so long. Is this a normal side effect for some people?
I take Yasmin and go 9 weeks between periods (three packs continuously). Then I only break for three or four days--enough for break through bleeding. When I restart the active pills, I take 2 in 24 hours and then go back to 1 per day. A friend who is a nurse practioner recommended the 2 in 24 hours when I told her that I hadn't stopped bleeding after restarting the active pills. It works! My periods are still debilitating--hate them. I'm curious about Lybrel, but hope that I wouldn't gain weight on it. Yasmin is the best pill that I've been on--at least, it's been the best for my body.
I started using the Nuvaring about five days ago in order to skip my period. What I am feeling right now is a very sharp pain that goes back and forth. I have had ovarian cysts before and it is the same kind of pain just a bit stronger. What do you think all this pain is about?
I am considering using the nuvaring skipping method since I am going on a vacation in a few days and do want to deal with my period but I am curious to know from anyone that has done this, do you still experience pms (bloating, weight gain, cramps) when you insert the new ring at the end of the third week right after you take out the old one or does your body go back to feeling normal with none of the above symptoms? I usually start getting those symptoms a day or two before I take out my ring and then they intensify within a day or so of leaving it out and getting my period. I'm just worried if I go ahead and skip my period I will still be bloated and have cramps but with no release of them since I will have no period this month. (The pms symptoms usually go away the day after my period begins...I don't want to stay bloated until next month!) Any advice asap would be soo appreciated!
I have a question that really needs to be answered before Tuesday...
I've been on the Nuva Ring for a year, but this is my first attempt to skip - I want to do it for three months because my boyfriend is visiting during my period and then I'm going on vacation in South America for 6 weeks and don't want to deal with it.
When you leave in your Nuva Ring for four weeks and then switch to a new one immediately and skip your period, does any spotting or breakthrough bleeding occur during that fourth week or afterwards? If it happens during the fourth week that would be ok, but if it continues into the first week of the next cycle that would be bad bad bad. I'm trying to decide if I should use the 4 week method, which apparently more often causes spotting in the beginning, or the 3 week method, which is more expensive.
Also, is it possible to leave in the Nuva Ring for 3 weeks, put in a new one, and then leave that second one in for 4 weeks, or does that mess things up?
I am on my 3rd pack of Yasmin and haven't had my period yet - but am feeling symptoms right now (I am on the last week of pills). Is this normal to get your period in in the middle of the active pills?
push through on that yasmin ladies! ive been doing three months on one week off for two years and i love it but a) it takes a few months to get past bleeding and b) it takes four to five days for me to get my period on the week off which makes the first few days back on the pills still bleeders. The best part? If you miss more than two pills you only have to worry about bleeding. No more worry about pregnancy (well besides average failure rates, blah blah)!
i didn't see anything on your site about trinessa and how to skip a period using it. can you? since it's set up so similarly to ortho, can i use the same advice?
For those of you on ortho-tricyclen, if you want to delay your period for only a week, instead of taking 2 full packs back to back (or the second in reserves order), take one pack as regular, and take the LAST row of a second pack the take the placebo. It will delay your period by a week, I have done this many times with no problem.
If you are taking ortho-tricyclen and want to delay your period by a week, don't take 2 full packs. Take one pack as normal followed by a second week of blue pills (the last week out of a second pack). Yes, this is a bit wasteful, but I only do it when it's really necessary and I've never had a problem with spotting.
So i'm on ortho lo and i skipped the green pills for two months in a row and i've been spotting pretty badly and yeah, its a weird brown color.. but i was wondering if skipping those and starting the next white week, if that still protects against pregnancy.
So here's my comment and question.
I am on Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo and have tried skipping once already. However, I didn't do the pack in reverse and instead went straight to the white pills. This resulted in light bleeding during the second week, which was of course not favorable.
So I'm wanting to attempt skipping again but don't have the time to go to the doctor for a prescription for something monophasic (though I'm going to do that as soon as I can). I need to know before I do this... is the backwards method really effective? I mean, does it work?
the neurotic student,
Please read the how to skip with Ortho Tri-Cyclen or another triphasic for regimen details.
I have been on the NuvaRing for almost a year and I love it too. One question: does it need to be kept in the refrigerator? I use a mail order pharmacy and they send it to me in a cooler and it says I need to keep it in the refrigerator and that it's only good for 4 months from the date they sent it to me even though the date on the pouch says 2009.
During my first visit with my dr. when she first told me about the NuvaRing, she gave me one free sample to try out and the pouch had just been sitting at her desk and she didn't tell me anything about putting it in the I'm puzzled. I have one more pouch that I need to insert but according to the 4mth rule by the mail order pharmacy it'll expire on July 11th but the pouch expiration date says 2009...should I risk using it?
Do I need to keep storing it in the refrigerator?
anonymous @ 1:41 PM,
You don't need to keep NuvaRing in the refrigerator. Storage at room temp is OK. According to the manufacturer:
Prior to dispensing to the user, store refrigerated 2–8°C (36–46°F). After dispensing to the user,
NuvaRing® can be stored for up to four months at 25°C (77°F); excursions permitted to 15–30°C (59–86°F) [see USP Controlled Room Temperature]. Avoid storing NuvaRing® in direct sunlight or at
temperatures above 30°C (86°F). For the Dispenser: When NuvaRing® is dispensed to the user, place an
expiration date on the label. The date should not exceed either four months from the date of dispensing or the expiration date, whichever comes first.
Thankyou for all of your help. I am a long time ortho user and had just come to terms with the fact that it was not possible to skip my period without spotting for an whole month. I will be trying the reverse method for an upcoming trip, and perhaps this will keep my period at bay for a week or two, instead of 3 days.
I am on ortho tri-cyclen lo and I really want to skip my period, it is friday right now and on sunday is when i should be taking my placebo pills. But if I just skip to the next pack and take only the 3rd row, wait a week then start another new pack, will this be effective? I don't want any long spottings and such, so will this work? will it still have the same protection against pregnancy? anyone try this?
I hate the though of wasting all those pills but if it works, it works.
also what about the reverse method without wasting the pills.
woould it be 1st row 2nd, then 3rd then new pack right away to be 3rd then 2nd and 1st then placebo? or what?
any experience with this?
I gotta say, the Nuva ring is the easiest contracetive method by far. The first week of using it I felt a little sick at my stomach and didnt eat a lot, but since that; NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER. No breakthrough bleeding, no irregularity, no weight loss/gain, no forgetting to take pills on a daily basis. It's great.
Ladies you gotta try it.
On the Ortho Tricyclen Lo that just switched to Nuvaring.. I forgot to add, the way I took my pills to skip my period was always this: after the third week of pills, I started a new pack, took them in order, week 1, then 2 then 3.. So I just wouldn't take the placebo pills and keep taking them int he right order. I hope this helps..
Guys, really, stop trying to change your birth control pill routine and just get Seasonale (four periods [sorry fake periods] a year) or Lybrel (no periods a year.
Hi ladies.... I am in the military and about to deploy and want to stop my periods for the time I am there...I have to choose what BC I want as I am having an IUD removed... I am leaning toward the Nuvaring...because I want the periods stopped... I know this may get some nasty comments but YOU go to a 3rd world country and have to worry about a period on top of other things! Let me know what you think on here or at my
I have been on Seasonale for almost 2 years, and I have my "period" only a) when I feel like it, or b) when I have gone for many months and start spotting. My goal is to not bleed at all, because it is a major inconvenience in my life, and because I have been in the hospital for pain, vomiting, and fevers I get with menstruation. I think the longest I have gone is 8 months, and I started spotting, so I stopped taking pills for a week. Now I am in month 5 and not spotting or having any problems. Good luck to all the women out there stopping their periods too!!
Has anyone tried skipping a period on Ortho Cyclen (NOT tri-cyclen)? My 21 active pills are all the same color blue so I'm assuming they have the same amount of hormones in each pill. Right? I've been on these for almost 5 years and have never needed to skip before. Now I need to for a wedding. I've never had any BTB or spotting, even when I first started the pills. Please let me know if any of you have tried to skip a period with ortho-cyclen and how that worked out for you. Thanks.
I asked my doc for yasmine. This seemed to be the only bc to stop my periods due to severe anemia. They put me on YAZ is it the same?
hey im just curious about a few things. im on ortho tricyclin lo and ive been on it for awhile. i want to try skipping periods but i have an autoimmune disease called itp (i dont have enough platelets in my blood) and i could have problems with bleeding. im just worried about losing too much blood if i start spotting or something. i dont know, let me know what u think
I have been taking Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo for over a year and decided to try and skip periods. I skipped the placebo pack and started at the beginning with the white pills like the doctor said and now I've been spotting pretty bad for over 3 weeks! My's not worth it!
i started taking othro lo in august the first month i had spotting for two weeks and then my period, on the second pack it was normal, on the third pack i got it a week early, and i was taking antibotics, im am starting my 4th pack this week and so far so good,I have not had any side effects with these pills..
Hi everybody,
have short question: what happens if i inserted the nuvaring (for the first time) some days before the period (usually I have small blood spots before the actual period and since it is not regular, I mistook the red spots for a normal period). What do you think? should I take it out and wait for the 'normal' period? I am already on day 4 of the ring. Am I protected?
Thanks a lot.
I've been using Nuvaring for 2 years and totally loved it....until I messed with a good thing. I'd heard all the buzz about skipping the periods so I decided to try it finally. First month, worked like a charm. The second month, about a week before I would have removed the ring, I started with the breakthrough bleeding. 3 1/2 weeks later I still have it.....mostly very light and brown, occassionally light red and every once in a while thick almost clot-like. My OB/GYN (who also is a huge advocate for nuvaring) doesn't think it's a good idea to use it that way and now I don't either. I just hope I get back to normal eventually.....because this SUCKS! But if you use it as directed, it's the best thing ever....super light periods for only 2-3 days and ZERO other side effects, for me anyways!
i have more of a question than a comment. i just started using the nuvaring its ok and all but i was just wondering, i put it in ealier than directed and just wanted to know if it would still works .
In regards to the Nuva rind needing to be refridgerated. This way one of the first things I ask my gyno about, because obviously my body is hotter than a fridge. The harm is not in the nuva ring being room temp, but temp fluctuations destroy it's potency. So unless you can garuntee your house will stay a consistant temp, keep it in the fridge to be safe.
I'm on Nuvaring and it's the best thing ever. It's early February and I just had my first period since July... and I only had this one because I was on antibiotics that interfered. Nuvaring is definitely the easiest and least complicated way to continuous cycle your birth control.
to add to my last comment, and one a few before, I had quite a bit of break through bleeding when I first started continuous cycling. It was very similar to what was described above. I was trying to leave the ring in for 4 weeks then change it, but when I switched to a 3 week cycle things got better right away. The spotting did last about a month or so, but I haven't had any problems since I had my period in July and started a 3 week cycle (3 weeks with one ring, replace immediately with another ring for another 3 weeks).
Hey has anyone tried to skip thier bleeding week with linessa. I'm like clock work on that pill but i'm going on holidays and the last 4 days i'll have my period. So i'm gonna try just not stop taking the pill, should i use the third week dosage or the first? The third weeks stronger right? I think thats how it works i just need confirmation or any new ideas.
I'm on the nuvaring, and this is my second go-around. I LOVE it. My OBGYN told me that I could skip my period while using the nuvaring, so I did and I had breakthrough bleeding for what seemed like EVER and then I inserted a new ring and was fine. But now I'm skipping it again and I have breakthrough bleeding. Someone mentioned this before, it's not bad- light and brown and not constant, but definitely annoying. I think once I have a ring free week and go back to the normal regiment, it will be fine. I don't make it a habit of skipping my period, this in this case I wanted to.
To the individual who asked if Yasmin is the same as YAZ, these are two very different pills. YAZ has different chemical components that are best recommended for individuals who have PMDD, hormonal imbalances and migraines due to menstural complications. I have been on both of these pills and have found that the side affects are very different as well as how the pills "period" cycle works. Talk to your doctor about which period best fits your lifestyle as well as your health needs. As for skipping your "period" it is very easy to achieve this on yasmin with little side effects, where as with YAZ, due to the 3 extra active pills, it is somewhat complicated and break through bleeding may occur in more cases.
I wanted to skip my period last week due to travelling...
I normally take Ortho Tricyclen, and I asked my doctor what I should do, since I was a week into that pack.
She prescribed me Ortho Cyclen. I took my Tricyclen for 21 days. I didn't take the green placebo pills, instead I started a new pack of Cyclen.... and I have not had ANY spotting. I'm into my last (3rd) week of Cyclen!
I'm not sure if I'm going to keep going (skip my period for 3 months), or if it's best to just stop, and go back to taking my Tricyclen next month as normal... but I'm so glad I haven't had any spotting- it seems like everyone spots the first time. Not me!
I tried skipping on ortho tricyclen lo for my tropical vacation. I took the third week of blue pills, with the hopes of delaying my period for 1 week. I still got my period, then thought I'd try to skip it altogether
but that didn't work either. I've had bleeding and very heavy spotting since..I't's been at least 24 days! It wasn't worth the frustration of worrying, having to plan in case I got my period on vacation and the after effects of all the spotting!! I feel as though my cycle is really messed up now and worry if it will get back to normal..not to mention fears of pregnancy etc.
Im on the Othro Evra patch and wanted to know after how many days of taking your patch off for the 4 week does it take to get your period.
Yasmin has got to be the worst monophasic pill I have tried, and I've tried my fair share. I used to suffer from unimaginable period pains in my abdomen and lower back coupled with migrane-type headaches, acne and anaemia. Yasmin was recommended as a "cure-all". Instead it sent me on a downward spiral of awful mood swings and an extremely heavy month long period. There were times when I could not leave the house it was so bad. I got myself a new gynae and he gave me Melodene with Androcure which is an anti androgenic hormone taken for 15 days of the month. This WAS a cure all. After 2 years on this "combination", I am CURED! I warn everyone I know about Yasmin. It's a gimic designed by pharmaceutical companies to make money. I now take Minesse, the lowest dose pill available. It's great, no mood swings, short periods and I hope an easier time when I try to come off it to start trying for kids. THERE are far better pills than Yasmin. Don't waste your time and energy!
I started nuva ring one week ago because I am getting married on May 6th. I am planning on using it the traditional way- 3 weeks in then a ring free week. If I do that I should have my withdrawl bleeding on my honeymoon which I obviously don't want...If I were to leave this first ring in for 4 weeks and then have my ring free week and then go to the three week cycle would it just delay my withdrawl bleeding by a week by shifting my cycle? I am not concerned with being protected my first cycle if that makes a difference.
I've started Nuvaring about 10 weeks ago about 3 weeks in I started brown yuck BTB and it lasted almost 3 weeks. It stopped for about 2 weeks and now I'm in the second week of it again. I've been using the 3 week ring replacement method but if this BTB stuff keeps up I'm going to go nuts. Any suggestions? Does this ease over time? I'm hoping that the 3 month will be a charm. Advice ladies?
Ok, people, not sure if anyone will read this, but I feel I should share. I have not had my period in over a year by taking loestrine birth control and then starting a new pack instead of taking the placebo week. This is a monophasic pill, or whatever that is when they are all the same color.
I started doing this because I had surgery down there and wouldn't be able to use a tampon. My surgeon said I would probably just feel more comfortable not having my period during recovery. I was concerned about long term effects and such so I got a second and third opinion. Everyone I spoke to agreed that periods are unnecessary. It has been one year and no breakthrough bleeding or anything.
All my sisters and female friends think this unnatural. I get told all the time that they think I won't be able to have babies and that I will get cervical cancer. I just think they have been brainwashed. We alter our breasts, use acne cream, dye our hair, none of that is natural either. Why deal with a period if you wouldn't want to deal with a pimple?
All I am saying is that if you prefer not to, you do not have to have your period-- ever. I am living proof that it is possible and my surgeon is one of the most esteemed in new york city, so I trust him.
Ask your obgyn about it if you want. Don't let people bully you into having your period because it's natural. There are way better reasons not to.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I've been skipping my period with Yaz and have been completely successful! No breakthrough bleeding whatsoever.
I'm concerned about some of these comments. Almost every post about Nuva Ring has exclamation points and people raving that it is the best thing ever. I've seen commentors specifically addressing concerns of anything negative about the product.
I sense some corporate astroturfing. I hope Nuva Ring doesnt have fake bloggers/commentors talking up their own product.
Anon @ 3:15 AM,
I'm concerned about some of these comments. Almost every post about Nuva Ring has exclamation points and people raving that it is the best thing ever.
You need to read the comments more carefully. Out of ~46 total comments mentioning Nuva Ring, ~37% (17) are positive, 33% (15) are just questions, 15% (7) are negative, and 15% (7) simply mention Nuva Ring.
I've seen commentors specifically addressing concerns of anything negative about the product.
Um, it's called sharing your experience in an attempt to help others. Kinda the whole point of this undertaking.
I sense some corporate astroturfing. I hope Nuva Ring doesnt have fake bloggers/commentors talking up their own product.
I can't speak for Nuva Ring's manufacturer, but, based on the actual comments breakdown, it appears your senses are deceiving you.
But just in case any pharma reps are reading this and contemplating astroturfing on my blog, let me make it clear that I do expect a cut of the profits. [/snark]
Hey everyone, question!
I decided to try to move my period by skipping my placebo pills this past month. It worked pretty well for the week I was supposed to be having my period with just some minor spotting, but then for the entire next week I was bleeding. Not only was I on active pills, but the period lasted much longer than it usually does. I also wonder if the fact that I had been under a very large amount of stress and anxiety throughout that time could have had any affect.
So, I once again will have an inconvenient couple of weeks to have my period, pretty much between May 28th and June 8th. If I take the placebo pills this time around, technically my period should come this next week, but I wonder if it will considering I just barely came off of it (does that even make a difference?). I was thinking about once again continuing on to active pills instead, which would place my period in the perfect time frame, but I wonder if that would actually work considering it didn't this last time around. I don't want to be stuck having my period right at the worst time possible.
Any thoughts/advice/suggestions?
hi. I'm on Ortho Cyclen, have been for a little over a year and a half. I skipped my period a few months ago after talking to my doc. I finished my third week of actives, and started a new pack. I began spotting 2 days in, and kept spotting every day until a week after I finished those 3 weeks of active pills. I'm scared to try it again, it was a pain in the butt! Should I give it another shot? Has this happened to anyone else on a monophasic pill?
The KEY in the skipping period thig is DON'T QUIT!!! You need to continue taking the pills as directed above even if you experience some bleeding. You need to allow your body time to adjust. If you stop taking the pills at the first sign of blood you are allowing a period. Your body will adjust. "break through bleeding" is not the same as "getting your period"
Hi! I am getting married September 27th, 2008..and I seem to start my period around the 26th (actually i just started it today, june 26). How can I skip my period just for my wedding?!? I am not on birth control and have not been for several years (my fiance had a vacectomy). I read somehwere that I could see my dotor and get some kidn of regime?! Or should I just get on the pill and try it that way?! Help!!!
I use the ring and whenever I try to do a four week cycle I start spotting, but a three week cycle works great for me.
You can't skip your period very easily using ortho tri cyclen. The tri means it's tri-phasic, three phases (that's why the pills are three different colors). Continuous cycling (skipping) works best when you use a mono-phasic method so that you have the same amount of hormones in your body all the time and your body doesn't start any withdrawal bleeding. When you're on birthcontrol and you take the inactive pills or stop you don't get a real period, your body has withdrawal bleeding because of the change in hormones.
Nuvaring is the best I've found so far because it's really continuous. There's no daily cycling like with a pill, it's a constant release of hormones. Also, you don't have to remember to take it every day. Just change it every three weeks and everything is fine. There will very likely be breakthrough bleeding at first, but just stick with it and your body will get used to it.
Elizaberthie: I'd recommend starting to continuous cycle right now. When the third week ends and you would have your ring-free week, just switch your ring out for a new one. You'll very likely get some breakthrough bleeding, but it should be light and probably gone before your wedding. You could even keep going and not have your period through your whole honeymoon and beyond. It's quite liberating not being crampy, irritable, and sore for a quarter of your adult life.
I am currently attempting to skip my period on Yasmin, which is going fine so far, except that I am still just as bloated as I would be if I were bleeding. Can anyone confirm whether or not the bloating will go away within the week, or is this water weight going to hang around until I have another period???
But on another note:
Everyone needs to remember that birth control will affect every woman differently! Reading these posts is really helpful, but you need to realize what worked or or didnt work for someone else, may have totally different effects for you. Honestly, trial and error can be frustrating, but it is the best way to find out what works for you best. Stick with a regimen for at least 3 months before you decide it is wrong for you too.
I have been on Depo, Yasmin, and Yaz - all of which I have reacted very differently too. I absolutely HATED Depo and most of my friends did too. It made me sooooo moody, killed my sex drive, and made me feel sick. I was on it for about 9 months before I finally quit.
Yasmin was amazing for me. No side effects, I was so much less moody, and my skin cleared a bit. When I tried to skip periods on Yasmin it didn't work though. I was on it for like 3 years with no complaint.
I switched to YAZ because I have had 5 day periods forever and I wanted them shorter. It has only shortened my periods by about a day though and my sex drive has suffered (this may just be a natural cycle of my long relationship though). When I tried to skip my period on Yaz it worked surprisingly. My skin has been a little better, but no other real positive changes... I am thinkign about going back to Yaz.
So that is my experience. Hopefully its helps a few of you.
As for the woman going abroad for the military... talk to your doctor. I totally understand why you wouldn't want your period. Thanks for helping our country!
for those asking about nuvaring, i think it is the greatest thing ever. leave it in for 4 weeks, start a new one, and after 3 rings, take a 1-week break to bleed.. also i wouldn't worry about gaining weight on it, for the first 3 months i took it i was too nauseous to eat much and actually lost 15 lbs
I am on nuva ring and i LOVE it! My only problem is that I have HORRIBLE menustral migraines with it.....does anybody else have this problem too? Feel free to email me at and let me know!
Great page. I was really worried about the spotting I'm experiencing, but after reading some of the comments, I feel a lot better. I'm also on Yasmin and I've skipped 2 periods. I have also noticed camps when I skip.
I tried skipping on tricyclin a few years ago, but found it to be a waste of money and a pain. Mono cycle pills are totally the way to go.
hey everyone!
i'm on nuvaring and have been for about...8 months or so. i LOVE it. it's been a lot easier for me cause i always used to forget to take my pills, since i was never really in the same place at the same time each day.
i skipped my period on it once before and it worked fine, but the following month (the second ring cycle) i did have a little spotting. it wasn't bad though....i think i'm going to try out the 3 week cycle plan and do that for a couple of months before having my period.
good luck everyone!
and i really do suggest the nuvaring, it's not bad putting it in like you'd think. wicked easy.
Hi! I've been using the nuva ring for almost a year now and I love it. My question though is - I just found out that my fiance is planning a romantic weekend away for us and I just got my period today! Can I insert a new ring even though I already started bleeding? Will I still be protected for the weekend? Please help! Thanks so much!
I've been on the birth control patch since July now. I know that it is normal for the first few months to have some spotting on the third week of wearing the patch. I did not want to have my period for the first week of school, so I skipped the patch off week ( the fourth week ). So basically I'm on my fifth week of wearing the patch with one more week to go, and I've been spotting for 16 days. It is really bothering me. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do?
I wanted to share my success with moving my period one week earlier on the Nuvaring with a shortened regimin.
Start at least 2 months ahead of time. Insert the ring between Day 1 and Day 5 of your period (this is the manufacturer's instructions for starting the ring), leave in for 2 weeks (not 3 as per usual). You will get your "period" two days or so later. One week after having removed the ring, insert a new one and continue your usual regimin. Your cycle will now be offset one week earlier.
Remember this type of use might leave you vulnerable to pregnancy, so use a backup form of birth control during the 2-week regimin just in case. The advantage of this regimin is that it will minimize the likelihood of breakthrough bleeding that often comes with the extended regimins.
I just started this month on ortho tri cyclen lo, and I missed two pills and had to double up in the first week. I started taking the pills on the first day of my natural period, and expected it to stop. It hasn't. I've been bleeding since then, and yesterday was my last day taking the hormone pills- today I SHOULD start the placebos.
However, I'm really sick of bleeding and bloating and I'd like to be able to have sex this week. Do you think I should take the third week of pills from my next pack? At least that way I could maybe have a break or something. Has this happened to anyone else?
has anyone else had trouble keeping the Nuvaring in? i KNOW you're not supposed to even be able to feel it (much less have it fall out), but i swear i did. it didn't exactly fall out, but over the course of a day or two it would keep working it's way out (not completely, i would always push it back in before that). And obviously with it doing that, i could feel it quite often. i've tried it with two different gynos now (one even watched me put it in to make sure i was putting it in right), and neither one can figure it out, because it's not SUPPOSED to do that. I finally gave up and went back to the pill. Has anyone else experienced this?
Anon @ 10:17 PM,
First, neither the monthly menstrual period nor the monthly withdrawal bleed are natural.
Only women in industrialized societies have a monthly menses, and only for the past century or so (insignificant in evolutionary time). The natural baseline is for women to have a period once every few years, if at all.
As to the withdrawal bleed experienced by hormonal bc users, there's nothing natural about it; it's a chemical manipulation.
Second, nature created, among other things, germs and tooth decay. Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's beneficial.
Third, when making health decisions it's best to use the available evidence as guidance.
Prolonged menstrual suppression (as happens with the use of, for example, OCPs on a regular 3 wks on/1 wk off regimen) and shifting the frequency of the monthly withdrawal bleed (e.g., an extended 3 months on/1 wk off OCP regimen) are not associated with decreased fertility.
Going on a 20th anniversary cruise in2 weeks and want to delay my period. Im not on any kind of birth control. Is there anything I can do?
See your Ob/Gyn asap; s/he can prescribe a high-dose regimen to try to delay your period.
I started nuvaring a week ago. my period is usually long, 5 to 7 days, but the last days are very light. with the ring things have been opposite, very light first four days and after, heavier bleeding. It's the 8th day now and I am still bleeding. this really sucks, has it happened to anyone else? any comments? what should I do? I'll try to see the doctor but I know they will not give me a visit until end of december or January so I would appreciate some help :)
hi there, can I skip periods for 5 or 6 months as well. or it will be bad for my health after three months? I don't have any problems so far and want to continue delaying the period
I'm on Trinessa (generic Ortho-tri cyclen). My Pharmacist told me that it would be ok to skip my inactive pills. I started skipping them in August and its now December. Three weeks ago I started to have some break through bleeding, and now it has turned into a full blown period. I've been bleeding for 3 weeks now. My doctor says it will work itself out. Is this true? Is there anything I can do?
how are the side effects different between skipping your period and taking the pill as normal? are side effects worse or more severe if you skip?
Anon @ 10:50 PM,
Keep the NuvaRing in for 4 weeks, then replace it with a new one. You should see a marked reduction (even elimination) of bleeding.
Yes, you can skip for 5 or 6 months. The 3 months interval was chosen arbitrarily for Seasonale; a more extended regimen will not be bad for your health (with Lybrel you skip for the entire year).
Anon @ 4:52 PM,
Yes, you have a few options. First, stop taking the Pill for 3 to 5 days, and restart the regimen. Or, if that doesn't work, ask your Ob/Gyn to a) switch you to a different brand/regimen, or b) give you a short course of higher dose progestin.
Anon @ 4:41 AM,
Briefly, it depends on the side effects. For example, studies have shown that women on extended regimens tend to have less (no) bloating, headaches, etc. On the other hand, you might experience more spotting with an extended regimen (usually, until your body gets used to it).
Bottom line: The side effects are not worse/more severe. Quite the contrary, they tend to be less/less severe.
I tried doing the Ortho-Tricyclin skipping, and it worked for the week I wanted to skip - but not for the next week. I had break through bleeding and STILL have it, even after a full week. Also, the blood is very - excuse the grossness - smelly. It's a very pungent smell and I'm afraid it's something bad. It's not yeast, it's very light blood. What should I do?
I just wanted to respond to this comment:
Sorry but some of us already have messed up bodies when it comes to our periods. ex: terrible cramps where I'm laying curled up with the heat pad for at least the first day or two straight where I can't even go to work and heavy bleeding straight through super plus tampons, and crazy hormone levels to where one minute I'm happy the next minute I'm crying and my boyfriend telling me I'm crazy and not myself ) and not everyone has a period every 28 days. Some of us get our periods at all different times. So before you start telling everyone they're going to mess up their bodies you have to first look at the reasons why women want to stop their periods and second look at the research which hasn't shown that you will mess up your uterus or not be able to have children.
My doctor put me on the nuvaring two months and 1 week ago and it has done wonders for me. I am doing the 4 weeks in method, taking it out and putting a new one in for 4 more weeks and I'm only going to have a period every three months. Although I started having some light reddish brown spotting I would much rather have this little bit of spotting compared to the periods I had before. I am looking forward to seeing how my period at the end of the three months is going to be but I don't think it will compare to before. The other downsides are the first week or two it made me very nauseas and gain a little weight but now that my body is used to it I'm fine.
I'm on tri-cyclen lo - 21 tabs - I'm having yet again breakthrough bleeding. I'm on the second row (light blue). I've taken a total of 10 pills. I want this bleeding to stop NOW. If I go back to the white pills will this bleeding stop? I have an appt. with my dr. soon and he's switching my pills but I need to stop it tonight. How can I do this? I'm fixed so I can't get pregnant...I just wanted it to regulate the bleeding and the pain. HELP!
Anon @12:33 AM,
Since contraception is not a concern, you have two options: 1) stop taking active pills for 3-5 days, or 2) double up -- take 2 pills/day until your doctor's appointment.
im on ortho try cylecn lo and i was wondering if i use the method where u skip the green placebo pills and gor directly to blue pills next i will not only skip my period but also not need protection...please help me!!!i dont want to make a stupid mistake
Anon @ 1:45 PM,
That's correct. If you skip the placebo pills and take, instead, the active pills you are protected from pregnancy.
i've been on Nuvaring for two years now the skipping period directions givenare accurate it works.
No funny side effects nothing weird just no period yay :)
I've used the Nuvaring for years. I decided in November to change my ring script to continuous use, which is covered by my insurance (21 days in-change ring-21 days in, with no breaks). I came here hoping to find some resources on the BTB side-effect of continuous use.
When I took the pill, I had a monthly period...all month long. Then, my 7 year old was actually concieved while I was taking the Orhto Evra patch. This is why I've chosen the Nuvaring. It does kill the sex drive, but that's probably a good thing.
I'm seriously contemplating going back to the 4th week ring-free again. Its been almost 6 months and I've had to always use some form of 'leak protection' all the time, even up to this day. I hate to say it, but my gyn is an idiot and I dont trust her at all. The only reason I see her is because the closest other option is a good 4+hour drive....Anyway, I'd love to see an update about the side effects of continuously using the ring.
You did a great job!
i am on yasmin, and i recently skipped my period because my boyfriend whom i havent seen in three months cause he's been far away at school, came home. we had sex, multiple times (using a condom). i am now on the 5th week of the yellow pills and i have had cramps and my boobs hurt every once in a while.. i'm hoping its just side effects of skipping the pill, or my period trying to get out, and not that i'm pregnant :S. also, i still have a full week left of the yellow pills, and i was wondering if i could just skip the last week and go striaght to my sugar pills? HELP PLEASE!
Hi! Looking all over the net for advice, and finally found you!
If I take norethindrone, I understand that I'll get a period a couple of days after the last pill. But when will the *next* period begin? (It's really the following period I want to delay, I just don't want to deal with potential side effects then.)
And speaking of side long do side effects usually take to wear off, if you get them? Like reduced libido?
Thanks to all for any insights, and a big thank you to Ema for this website and all her expertise!!
Anon @ 7:21 PM,
What you're describing are, most likely, side effects from using an extended regimen. (Of course, you can always take a home pregnancy test, if you want.)
No, you shouldn't skip a week of active pills.
Not sure why your comment doesn't appear. In any case, here it is:
Hi! Looking all over the net for advice, and finally found you!
If I take norethindrone, I understand that I'll get a period a couple of days after the last pill. But when will the *next* period begin? (It's really the following period I want to delay, I just don't want to deal with potential side effects then.)
And speaking of side long do side effects usually take to wear off, if you get them? Like reduced libido?
Thanks to all for any insights, and a big thank you to Ema for this website and all her expertise!!First, the bleeding. That's a tough question because it's hard to predict how an individual will respond. [The textbook, if you will, interval is a few days to up to 2 wks for the first episode, and, hopefully, ~30 days for the next one. Mind you, this is the expected bleeding pattern for the "challenge" regimen, so not exactly the same thing.]
The best thing to do, for this particular regimen, is to only use it for the period you want to delay. [As opposed to the combination pill regimens, with the high progestin one, it's best not to start months in advance, but rather just a few weeks and only use it in a pinch, not long term.]
Second, the side effects. It's unlikely that using this regimen one time will cause side effects like reduced libido. In any case, since you only take the pills for such a short period of time (days to a few weeks), expect any side effects to stop once you stop the regimen.
Thanks so much, Ema, for your reply!! I've been searching all over for some straight, knowledgeable answers.
Sounds like delaying a month in advance with norethindrone is not reliable. I have a precious week with my very long-distance BF, so I don't want to take the risk of killing my libido with high doses of hormones. That probably means that taking norethindrone to delay during that time is not wise, right?
Are there any other options for someone who can't do HBC? (I once got a migraine with aura so can't do estrogen stuff; I have a copper IUD.) Are there any ways to reliably induce an early period instead, or maybe even a couple in a row? I read something about vitex, also parsley tea and high doses of ascorbic acid? I'm not sure if they really work -- and if they do, whether they affect ovulation timing or the luteal phase...or both?
Thank you, again!
First, the parsley tea, etc, things you mentioned. No reliable data that they work/effect on bleeding pattern.
Second, with the extra info you provided, my suggestion is to go in a totally different direction.
Forget hormones. What about something like a barrier method used for that 1 week period only during intercourse? (No need to use spermicide or leave in for more hrs. since you're not using it for contraception.)
That, combined with an NSAID (make sure to start taking it at least 2-3 days *before* you anticipate the onset of any symptoms), should help minimize the effect of having your period during that crucial week.
Heh, I just noticed that myself. Now if I could only figure out how to add a link to the original page (not sure it's even possible).
Thanks for the barrier idea; a very interesting suggestion for the mess aspect!
We actually had the same situation last year, only that was before I got the IUD. I'm into month 8, but it's still feeling pretty rough. From first spotting to last, my period's lasting around 13 days -- which wouldn't be such an issue except that the cramps (which are already bad and last equally long) seem to get worse if I orgasm, even through the naproxen. So the cramps (plus fatigue and mood swings) are more where my worries lie. I don't want be a wreck the whole time.
I have a pretty sensitive stomach, so I'm not sure how much NSAID I can handle. So far Aleve seems easier on me than Ibuprofen used to be, but still. Is it truly important to start that far ahead? Is there anything that helps with those, like taking Mylanta with them?
Continued thanks...I hope it's okay that I'm writing back with all these questions. You're being enormously helpful, I'm grateful!
First, for the future. You sound like an ideal candidate for Mirena. The progestin would take care of the long/symptomatic period, so maybe consider a switch from the Cu IUD to Mirena.
Second, definitely use some stomach lining protection if you're sensitive. The reason it's best to start so far in advance: instead of fighting the symptoms, you're trying to prevent the release of the substances (PGs) that cause the symptoms in the first place. It just tends to be more effective, that's all. (Of course, in your case, you have to balance that advantage with the disadvantage of a prolonged exposure to NSAIDs.)
A friend gave me a nuvaring so I can try to delay my next period (28 days like clockwork and the day I leave for an out of the country mission trip). So, the problem is that I have the one ring, if I leave it in for 5+ weeks, will it delay my period? Or would it be better to take it out in a week early and force my period before I leave? I'm not using this as a birth control method; just a convenience for a month or so.
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