Friday, September 16, 2005

President Bush Trims Government Spending

In a courageous move, President Bush declines to spend $34 million Congress had appropriated as funding for the U.N. Population Fund. Finally, some fiscal responsibility:

For the fourth consecutive year, the Bush administration has decided to withhold funding from the U.N. Population Fund, saying the agency contributes to China's "coercive abortion" program.

The administration decision was disclosed in a letter from Under Secretary of State Nicholas Burns to key senators. Congress had appropriated $34 million for the program, but gave President Bush the authority to decline to spend the money.

China has denied using any coercive measures in its population control efforts.

The fund's executive director, Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, called the decision disheartening and said one goal of the fund is to get women to use voluntary family planning to avoid abortion.

Going one step further, the President also encouraged China to deal with its "abortion problem" by following America's brilliant example: less vaginal sex, more pretend abstinence. [After all, fantasy is the new reality.]

And, in a totally unrelated development, President Bush this week nominates* a 72-day-old gestating fetus as his nominee to fill the Supreme Court seat that opened following the death of Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

*I found this link on another blog, but cannot recall which one; sorry about that.


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