Thursday, January 22, 2004

Cost of Menstrual Disorders

According to the World Bank:

Maintaining effective control over the public sector wage bill must be an ongoing task of government. As the public sector wage bill can make up a significant portion of total public sector spending, a reduction of this wage bill can be a key macroeconomic and development planning tool.

Meanwhile, last week the U.S. Senate rejected a minimum wage bill. (Democrats for and Republicans against.)

In the spirit of international and bi-partisan cooperation I stand ready to offer a solution (my lack of any financial or economic training notwithstanding).

The costs of menstrual disorders to American industry are estimated to be 8% of the total wage bill and can impact industrial output. For example, Texas Instruments noted a 25% reduction in the productivity of female workers during menses.

Reducing period-related disorders should take care of all our country's economic problems, no?

Thomas SL, Ellertson C. Nuisance or natural and healthy: should monthly menstruation be optional for women? Lancet. 2000;355(9207):922-924.



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