Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Unwomen

Our beloved politicians tell us what makes a woman a woman*:

WOMAN- The term 'woman' means a female human being who is capable of becoming pregnant, whether or not she has reached the age of majority.

*[If the link doesn't work for you, go here and enter SB 51.]

Our moral pharmacists bestow onto us the gift of meds:

The Pharmacist's Model Conscience Clause was adopted and approved by the PFLI [Pharmacists for Life International] Board of Directors in 1988. It was the first -- and remains the only -- one of its kind for the profession of pharmacy. It uniquely addresses the needs of pharmacists for recognition of their sincerely held religious, moral and ethical convictions which preclude the misuse of the gift of medications in manners contrary to the God-given dignity of the profession. Nothing less will do.

And our pharmacy managers prescribe lying to [female] patients:

Since Gov. Janet Napolitano has vetoed the "conscience bill" that would have allowed pharmacists to refuse to fill abortion and emergency-contraception prescriptions based on religious or moral views, I have a solution:

The pharmacist should just tell the patient that he is out of the medication and can order it, but it will take a week to get here. The patient will be forced to go to another pharmacy because she has to take these medicines within 72 hours for them to be effective. Problem solved.

Whatever would we do without these guiding lights?

(via feministe, feministing, and Disenchanted Forest)


At 3:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL - I'm waiting for my husband to reach the age of minority.


At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had a hysterectomy - so I'm now a female human being but not a woman?

At 4:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, jdt, what does it mean? I've passed the pro-creative stage - where does that leave me? What if I'd had a baby when I was capable of it? Would I be an honorary female human woman? Or if I could have had a baby, but didn't, have I given up the right to be thought of as a woman? Maybe I'm simply a non-male human being.

Larkspur, an unwoman


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