Friday, May 09, 2008

China and the U.S.A., Sitting in a Tree, K.i.s.s.i.n.g.

Photo by babasteve

The Bush administration's position is that Chinese women are superior to American women. For shame!

According to the Bush administration, Chinese women who are forced to have an abortion by their government can seek asylum under the law.


The State has an interest in ensuring so grave a choice is well informed after all. Just like our State has an interest in forced pregnancies, the Chinese State has an interest in forced abortions.

So why are Chinese women given special treatment?

I'll tell you why. Because the Bush administration has decided that, because pregnant Chinese women are capable of making their own decisions, the Chinese State has no business subjecting women to forced medical decisions.

Meanwhile, when it comes to American pregnant women, anachronistic assumptions about the inferior decision-making capacity of women are sufficiently legitimate state interests so no relief from forced medical decisions for the inferior American women.

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At 7:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now if American women who didn't want to be pregnant could just seek asylum in China, we'd be all set!


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