"Reign of terror against abortion providers"

Opponents of medical care for women were thwarted from using Dr. Tiller's closed clinic for their proverbial dance on a murdered man's grave. Instead, they took their celebration to Operation Rescue's own national headquarters, the site of a closed Wichita abortion clinic the group bought in 2006, a local hospital and a third abortion clinic that closed in 1991.
In other
During the first half of 2009, along with 67 burglaries, assaults and other violent incidents, there have been 1,400 reports of hate mail and/or harassing phone calls received by clinics, the highest level in a decade, according to the federation.
On Wednesday, a Memphis, Tennessee women's clinic was evacuated because of a bomb threat. That same day, two men in New Mexico were convicted of fire-bombing an Albuquerque abortion clinic.
At many clinics, door locks have been glued to keep people from entering. Patients sometimes must run a gantlet of shouting protesters to enter, and pictures, names and addresses of various abortion providers have been featured on anti-abortion websites.
About one in five of nearly 700 free-standing U.S. health clinics providing abortions experienced violence over the last year, according to the Feminist Majority Foundation.
The violence and threats, combined with legislated restrictions in various states, are frightening providers and hindering women, said Dionne Scott, spokeswoman for the Center for Reproductive Rights.
On a totally unrelated note, here's what my newly formed, say, Muslim group is up to:
"Our mission is to crush [X] underfoot," said [me], founder and former leader of [another similar group with extremist ties], which maintained a "[assassinated professional] Watch" on its website before the [professionals]'s murder. "We will win this war. [Assassinated professional]'s death has the potential to propel us more quickly to our goal."
[Me] is promoting a training course for the "[X] warrior" and said [me] wants to spur new teams of community activists around the country.
Labels: Abortion, Dr. George Tiller
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